November Is Slowly Starting To Fish Good, But We Are Still Behind On The Sessional Pattern. The extremely hot first part of October is still effecting the fishing ( who would of thought that ) but I believe it is, the bass are still all over the place no real pattern is working its kinda figure them out each day you go. We’ve caught em from in dirt to 25 feet deep. Grass? yep we still have plenty of it comes dying off and some believe it or not is growing fresh sprigs as crazy as that sounds for this time of year but we’ve pulled up new growth of Hydrilla.
Water Temps have been staying around the 55-57 degree range and the the water clarity in most of the lake is clear like 4-6 feet
December is going to be pretty good so if your reading this and have nothing better to do then you might want to come fishing with us it could reward you with a trophy catch. But it is fishing so anything can happen on the lake.
Heres Some Of Our Catches From November:
I receive a text yesterday evening and the part that shows in the notifications reads this: From James Gray. “Your fish got me through!” I was on the phone with a buddy and I told him what it said and we was kinda puzzled so I open the message and below are the screen shots.
Let me tell you a little about our trip, James had called well in a advance to see if we could do some fishing but the only set back was that he needed to be in his boat due to what the cancer had done to him ( lets just say he didn’t have much time to get somewhere if nature called ) so the 1st day I got them in a grass mat for some frogging and they caught a few, so I spent the next day searching places to where the could fish from their boat with some success but not what I wanted for them so we came up with a plan for them to drive there boat to me and spot lock it and get in with me so I could get them on fish… well it worked the 1st bass caught was by James and it was a Dandy of a bass and man when I say I was happy for him it just doesn’t sound right I could’ve done backflips. This man was just happy to be on the water fishing, James didn’t care if he caught a fish and if he did it was just a bonus. I know I would’ve gotten in the lake to land this bass if I had to, just to make sure it got in the boat. Well needless to say after a dive or two she took she gave up after a good short fight and I was able to lip her with ease. So I could only imagine how great James felt after the initial strike to the fight and then to holding her in his hands.. We repeated our plan with keeping his boat close by in several fishing areas and they caught some more fish to top off the morning.
James Gray
Capt. Jim
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