And There Goes The Summer Of 2019! How Was It In Your Eyes? The Lake is full of fish. We have a bright future for sure, you can catch fish at will pretty much every outing … but are you catching the quality that Guntersville is KNOWN for ? Are the big uns still around? I say they are, theres just so much going on out there with the types of vegetation some coming some leaving. The new stuff just isn’t as good as the old stuff (hydrilla) but one thing is for sure this summer has been a hot one so hot that it has caused a fish kill in Crow Creek, Last Sunday Pro Angler Gerald Swindle made a social media post about the dead fish and the crawdads crawling out of the water, that got everyones attention and we got answers fast.
September is ramping up along with October and November dates are starting to get booked with fall around the corner the fish are starting to show signs of a early fall ( seeing some really big ones chasing bait but not catchable) when we start seeing this its hard not to think about 5 years ago around this time we seen the same stuff happening and the fall bite we had was one of the best I can remember it went all the way in to December we just wrecked them daily and good ones at that.. fingers crossed for similar results.
Cooler nights have been happening and its been a welcoming change to the point that the hoodies have been making their way out to the lake in the mornings. The morning bite has been fickle either its gonna happen or its not but the one thing that has been consistent is the mid morning bite through early afternoon, we’ve narrowed down the baits and techqnics for now and should only get stronger.
Heres some pics nothing terrible just took some much needed time off.
If you like to power fish then its getting your time of year for sure. The flippin, froggin, topwater action will be happening here on Lake Guntersville.
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Capt Jim
More On The Crow Creek Fish Kill CLICK HERE