With the classic over and some warming trends happening the lake should rebound fairly well, we have noticed that the fish have made a hard transition and have become difficult to pattern and in return it has made some days rather hard to understand. We have caught fish from 1 foot to 15 feet just […]
10-02 LB Largemouth Bass Lake Guntersville
Blessed Is The Word That Comes To Mind. Blessed to be able to fish Lake Guntersville Daily and to have caught my 3rd Double Digit Bass form Guntersville. And to catch this one with long time clients/friends Johnny & Boyd it couldn’t of been any better … well yes it could’ve if we all caught […]
Pre Spawn
January Fishing Was Up And Down On Size And Numbers But All In All It Has Been One Of The Better January’s For Fishing. Winter showed up the week of the FLW BFL and I don’t think anyone was surprised, it really kicked the bass in the head, considering the week before we was fishing […]
Fishing January 2020
Well What A Year So Far! With all the warm weather we are having it has the bass doing something lil different for this time of year. They are catchable and once you get one to bite you can catch them for a little while before they smarten up. Theres been some nice ones showing […]
With 2019 coming to an end, we wanted to look back at the rollercoaster of a year it was. Lets start with whats in the news. RAIN and early this year RAIN was the news. The rain / flood changed the way the lake fished. There was a lot of up and downs the weather […]
Guntersville In November
November Is Slowly Starting To Fish Good, But We Are Still Behind On The Sessional Pattern. The extremely hot first part of October is still effecting the fishing ( who would of thought that ) but I believe it is, the bass are still all over the place no real pattern is working its kinda […]
Its Been Reel October
Fishing In November Has To Be Better Then October Has Been. We have had good days and not so good days, big bass have been hard to repeat… October has been by far the most difficult Oct. I can remember, so I can only think that the weather has been the factor and we are […]
Leary Wins BFL Super Tournament
Its Been A Great Two Weeks Here On Lake Guntersville. September has been known as one of the toughest months in the southeast to catch a fish, I can remember when I would avoid the lake during September until 4 years ago I made it my mission to figure them out, them long hot days […]
Lake Guntersville Fishing
Summer Continues To Cook Us Here On Guntersville & The Bass Keep Biting! Sure the heat has been pretty intense at times, but all it has done is help the grass grow and the bass have made the move to it and are getting set up in it. Water Temps 77-85 Dingy to Clear just […]
The Fall Swing
And There Goes The Summer Of 2019! How Was It In Your Eyes? The Lake is full of fish. We have a bright future for sure, you can catch fish at will pretty much every outing … but are you catching the quality that Guntersville is KNOWN for ? Are the big uns still around? […]